Wednesday, October 7, 2015

October 7th: The Houses October Built (2014, Netflix Streaming)

This is one of my favorite films on Netflix for scares.  And I'm watching it for a second time in the company of two people watching it with me.

What I love about the film is how unlike other films it is.  It offers a perspective and a narrative that isn't like other scary movies.  A group of friends set out to find the ultimate haunted house and find a lot more than they bargain for.

The movie offers a lot more than a simple handy cam horror movie.  The characters are very realistic, their conversations are very real and it helps to cement the movie as a believable story.  That's one of the more chilling things about the movie.

It intersperces unrelated interviews with "spook house" workers and the characters while the protagonists try to find back country and hidden haunted houses.  They want to find the best haunted house they possibly can.

My companions in wathing this are watching it for the first time and are having a hell of a time with the movie.  Frequently stating "fuck that!" and "I'm not sleeping tonight."  Namely at the part where the porcelien woman walked onto the protagnonists' RV without a word.

Those fearing clowns should definitely avoid this movie, as they are a frequent and creepy occurance.  When one of our characters attempts to take a piss he is chased out by a rabbit with an ask.

I greatly enjoy this movie on the grounds that it tips the found footage genre on it's head.  You always excpect the found footage genre to be characters looking for the truth or to disprove something.  In this film, the people behind the cameras find exactly what they are looking for.

It was best described by one of my companions, both of whome were watching for the first time as "very creepy halfway in, kind of seriel killer boring for a while and then really creepy again.  I really didn't expect that."

The Houses October Built proves to be one of the most original and refreshing horror films that I have seen in a long time.  It also proves to be a beautiful use of found footage.  I would recommend this film to any horror movie fan.  Even if it weren't on Netflix, I would suggest buying it at its $10 price on Amazon or at Best Buy

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