I watched this one on my little Lenovo laptop in the corner of a library in an attempt to distance myself from the goings on around me. It was a nice little vacation.
This film is actually a very wonderful play on what we think of a zombie movie, making me realize that I have yet to review a zombie movie on this blog. Let me start by saying that I am not against zombie movies in anyway, I love them. There's just so many bad ones. And this one is no one of them.
The film opens with a pretty brutal image to begin with, necrophilia, and quickly devolves into the trope that sex is bad for woman. Given that the protagnonist is almost almost outright raped and then has to pay the price really messes with my feminist values and learnings. I would have almost rather seen the protagnonist partake in concensual sex and be punished than to be punished for a crime against her.
Samantha was a character that I really liked and empathized with, I really wished that things would go better for her, but I knew that they wouldn't. Character writing quite like this is rare in horror films that go through such minor releases. Even the secondary characters were believeable, if unmemorable.
Throughout her illness she gets rashes, fevers, burst blood vessels in her eyes and starts to look like a zombie. It was at this time I realized I was watching a zombie movie. With so little run time I wasn't sure where it was going. I'm not goin to spoil the film for you, but I am going to tell you that the movie is worth watching.
It's not the most shocking horror movie, but it is in fact a fantastic film to watch. I'd give this one two great thumbs up, but I fear a zombie biting them off.
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